Cumberland/North Yarmouth

Maine Enterprise Schools has been working with a group of community members, school officials, and entrepreneurs to look into re-purposing the recently mothballed Drowne Rd. School. What would Maine Enterprise School at Drowne Rd. look like?
o 100 students from grades 6-12 earn their high school diplomas and complete rigorous apprenticeships in areas like farming, technology, green energy, entrepreneurship, food service, and early childhood education.
o A thriving cluster of small businesses – developing profit-making business models based on the local economy, sharing infrastructure, operations, and insurance costs with the school, preparing Maine’s next generation of entrepreneurs.
o A community collaboration between schools, social services agencies, economic development entities and the business community.
Where are we at?
• The town of Cumberland and SAD 51 will be soliciting proposals; our most recent information has that happening no later than mid-October.
• Lalla Carothers of Cumberland is organizing our efforts there. Email her at for the latest.